Brain Mapping

Brain Mapping

Also called as DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test)

What Is Dmit

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence test is a truly scientific study of the fingerprint patterns.

Parts of the Human Brain

This will help in understanding a great individual’s potential & personality Type.

Harold Cummins is the founder of Dermatoglyphics.

What Is Intelligence?

According to the ‘Theory Of Multiple Intelligences’ by Haword Gardner, intelligence is defined as, “Bio-psychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture.” Haword Gardner is the one who first suggested this theory in 1983, in his book “Frames of Mind”.

The book, “Multiple Intelligences around the World.” Published in 2009, the book features forty- two authors from fifteen countries, on five Continents, each detailing experiences with MI ideas and practices.

Brain & Finger - How It Connects

During the earlier days, when American doctors discovered a strange case where the baby is born without a brain. In this case, the absence of brain is associated with the absence of fingerprints as well. Cases like this repeated throughout history, leading medical experts to believe that the brain is absolutely linked to the fingerprints.

Neurobiologists point out that our fingerprints development is synchronized with that of the neocortex. For example, children with Down syndrome have fingerprints with distinguishable characteristics.

What Is Multiple Intelligence

Medically it has been verified that the development of the brain, its lobes and fingerprints is done during the 7th and 21st week of pregnancy.

Therefore, there is a direct co-relation between the development of the brain and fingerprint. During the development, the information is transcribed as our finger prints that are unique for everyone.

The Nine Multiple Intelligences Proposed by Gardner are,

Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) – People who good with language, like written language, spoken, grammar, writing skills.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Reasoning Smart) – Encompasses logical thinking as well as mathematical and scientific problem-solving.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart) – It is an ability to manipulate objectsand things in your mind.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart) – This is the ability to move physical objects and your own body.

Musical Intelligence (Music Smart) – Young children certainly relate music and body movement naturally, finding it virtually impossible to sing without engaging in some accompanying physical activity.

Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart) – This intelligence deals with understanding with other people and work with them.

Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart) – Some people are very highly intelligent with their own emotional states, thoughts, reaction to things.

Naturalistic Intelligence (Nature smart) – It connect with and respond to living beings, nature and environment.

Existential Intelligence (Phil Smart) – It connects to bigger life questions, like why do we exist? Why are we here? Especially spirituality.

Is Dermatoglyphics a firm of fortune telling?

Absolutely not. Palmistry or Chiromancy is the divination of the future through the interpretation of lines of the palms whereas Dermatoglyphics is the science of comparing analysing and classifying the patterns of the skin grains and ridges of each person's fingerprint. This analysis does not predict the future, but rather gives a comprehensive insight of one's innate intelligence distributions, potentials, traits, preferred learning and communication styles.

Benefits Of Finger Print Analysis

Dermatoglyphics is the branch of science that makes one understand his or her own hidden potential and abilities. With the help of Dermatoglyphics, we can find out our inborn strengths and characteristics. Our fingerprints never change in the whole life so it is completely different from people who read hands or fortune tellers. By studying Dermatoglyphics, we can exactly understand the distribution and number of cells in the left and right brain of the cell, and calculate where the potential lies. Dermatoglyphics analysis may help:

In Terms Of Personal Growth

Left & Right Brain Hemisphere Configuration & Characteristic (Balanced / Right or Left Brain Oriented)

Comparison & Distribution Of MI (Left & Right Brain)

Brain Lobes Configuration

Multiple Intelligence Chart

Your Personality Type

Learning Type / Mode / Style

Competency & Compatibility

One’s gifted key area(s)

Improves Career, Bride & Groom/Spouse/Friend/Family Members/ Business Partners Competency & Compatibility

Enhance the sense of the value of life and happiness

Strengthen communication and interaction skills

Know how to appreciate people

In Terms Of Education & Career

Parent-child communication and education

Target at talents

Improves General & Special Subject Preferences

Select a major that best fit one’s desired career path

Define the most appropriate way of teaching and learning

For Corporate

Administration / Finance / Auditing / Marketing & planning / Research & Development

Sales / Customer Care / Advertising / Training

Human Resources / Logistic / Personnel / Hospitality

Top Management / Quality / Assurance / Manufacturing / Legal / Commercial / Purchase

Explore the potential of an employee Recruitment

This analysis can be used to identify inner Characteristics, Ability, Hidden Talent & Potential.

This analysis can be used for self-evaluation and compatibility with your spouse or business partner.

This analysis will disclose strength they have and to direct them to perform well at work.

This analysis is preferred for those who will like to make a career change and endeavour to start a new business or pick up new skills.

Understand Child’s Inner Characteristics, Ability, Hidden Talent & Potential

Most of the time parents misunderstand children simply as they are just not aware of their child’s inborn characteristics (inquisitive, disobedient, unrelenting etc.)

To realize and devise an effective way to relate with your child based on the child’s inherent communication style.

To identify and build up a useful interaction method with your child.

Helps children in learning effectively.

Reinforces weak points of the child and endow him with an appropriate learning method.

A kinesthetic learner is fine in expressing their thoughts and feelings using body language and prefers to gain knowledge or learn through process and movement.

A visual learner has quick observation/visual differentiation and prefers to learn through reading and observing things.

An auditory learner likes to learn through oral practice or auditory sense and tries to assimilate, organize and arrange oral information

To advise parents to position their child in courses where the set of programs suits the child’s inherent learning style.

To remove the ‘trial and error’ state when parents tries to make their child learn something without knowing whether the child will be able to understand.

Every child is unique and holds different genetic talents

To utilize a proven method (up to 95% accuracy) to make known a child’s hidden potential and both strength and weakness.

To give parents a closer look into their child’s brain and to groom the child effectively and to nurture the talents they possess.

To help parents on focusing on their child’s potency.

Dermatoglyphics is an important directive for a child to look when he/she is choosing university major that best meets their abilities and potential. After graduation of your child, Dermatoglyphics report will be helpful in providing advice to choose their careers


From 0-3 years of age, the emotional bend of the child starts to grow quickly. Knowing a child’s potential at an early age helps parents in making smart and easy decisions on parenting styles and educational methods. As an infant move into toddlerhood, he learns new ways of life which help him to expand his horizons. With our DMIT one understands his or her hidden potential and talents.


Know your and your child innate characteristics

Know your Childs learning style or ability

Discover your child’s inborn talent and potential

Self-evaluation test for Adults

Know the compatibility with your spouse and business partner

Facilitate efficient communication and effectiveness at work

Have detailed comparison between left and right brain hemispheres

Know distribution of multiple intelligences

Innate personalities and characteristics

Preferred learning style

Select your subject stream

Activities Selection Career Selection

Manage Relationships

After 10 years of marriage I have given-up. It is impossible to make her happy and understand what I like

The most common word we hear today is STRESS!

Most of Us are not doing the way we like or we are working the way we dislike because we don’t know what we like or dislike. We don’t know our strengths, weaknesses, character and attributes. All this is leading to Stress, Anxiety & Depression, Relationship Problems, Breakups, Inefficiency and most of the miseries of our life.

Recommended For

Toddlers (Age 1-4)

Understand their inborn characteristic (curious, aggressive, rebellious, persistent and etc.)

Understand and develop an effective way to interact with your child based on their inborn communication style

Understand and develop an effective interaction method with your child

Eliminate the ‘trial and error’ situations with identifying and nurturing talents

Children (Age 4-12)

Gives clear picture of multiple intelligence and learning styles of your child to help you understand strength and weaknesses of your child.

Offers specific suggestions for improvement and tips for parents suggesting number of activities to groom your child.

Can develop multiple intelligence of your child on your own and save your time and money to be spent on type of education and parenting aid, actually not required

Better understanding and acceptance of strength and weaknesses of child helps strengthen relationship amongst Parents and child.

Reduces clashes in adolescence years.

If worked as per suggestive tips one can turn weaknesses in to strength and excel in preferred career path.

Teenagers, Young & Adults (Age 12-25)

Understand your natural character traits

Discover your own abilities and choose right career path.

Identify and develop your core competencies.

Identify the most suitable learning and leadership styles.

Rekindle your passion for living and revive dreams from the past

Invest wisely in suitable self-development programs

Plan ahead to achieve your goals and live your dreams

Adult (Age 25+)

Understanding nature and strength and weaknesses of other person helps choosing right and compatible spouse to have healthy family life in future.

Understanding and acceptance of strength and weaknesses of your spouse helps improving healthy bonding and remove causes for differences.

Boosts confidence and trust in each other.

Helps enjoying and growing together by supporting each other.

Broken family is a major influencing factor on the health of society. Effective use of this report is helpful in reducing number of heart breaks and broken relationships.

Healthy relationship-Healthy couple life- healthy parenthood-healthy childhood- health society- strong Nation.

Schools & Students

Helps in choosing right academic courses and suitable career path.

Makes you understand most effective ways and style of learning.

If followed suggestive tips one can choose and excel in desired career by overcoming weaknesses.

Boosts confidence and improves relationship with parents and peers.

Reduces peer pressure by understanding oneself and helps developing well-groomed personality.

Suitable academics and career path let you enjoy your Study and work and takes you far away from depression attacks.


Selection of right career path

More effective human resources.

Placing right person at the right place.

Reduces cost, increases healthy competition and create better corporate value.

Happy and dedicated employees give better performances.

Deserving and preferred work encourages better and devoted performance.

Reduces frequent inflow and outflow of employees.

Consistency and stability in employees create healthy bond in employer and employees and gives cost effective betterment in performances.

Activities to encourage employees to improve their weaknesses helps better use of talents and strength of the person.

Reduces cost and energy in trial and error in placement

4Q Guidance guides you to balance your childhood, child behaviour, education, extracurricular activities, stream selection and your career choice. You can also choose your right profession based on your inborn strength. You can understand relationship comparability through this analysis. After retirement, people can understand their strength, inborn potential based on career or business choices.

Address :

St.Thomas Building 2nd floor 150 Luz Church Road Mylpore 600004 (Opp to Ranga Chari cloth store, near nageshwara park)

Phone Number :

9962999136 / 8270686081

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